On Palm Sunday, the entry into Holy Week, we join the crowds who acclaim Jesus as our Messiah.
That day, as Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, they acclaimed Him as their Messiah, the Son of David, and chanted: "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" Many perhaps thought He was coming to deliver them from the Romans, but He had a much greater plan: to give us the Eucharist, to suffer and die for us, and to rise again, and through these things, to free us from death and sin and to offer us His eternal life. So today we welcome Jesus as we begin Holy Week. In the next few days we will celebrate all of these events. You can see a full list of times here.
This year we had a procession from Tower Lane before morning Mass. We gathered and celebrated a short form of the Church's Morning Prayer (Lauds) before processing through the streets with palms, arriving at church in time for Mass. We then gathered in the hall for the blessing of palms and the reading of the Gospel account of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, before processing into the church for the celebration of Mass. Now we have begun walking with Jesus, let us continue to accompany Him to the Last Supper, the Cross, and the empty tomb. Click on the pictures below to see more of today's events.